Yocan Apex Vaporizer for Wax
Yocan Apex Vaporizer for WaxThe latest wax concentrate vaporizer from Yocan brings you to the apex of your sessions. Introducing the Yocan Apex Vaporizer, a dab pen that’s outfitted with a single power button for simple and straightforward means of wax concentrate consumption allowing you to reap the benefits of your select materials with very little to no learning curve. It also has a threaded design that allows you to securely remove and replace its components for care and maintenance making the Yocan Apex Vaporizer a dab pen that’s truly easy for both beginners and advanced consumers.The Yocan Apex Vaporizer is outfitted with a 650mAh battery that’s just right for a day of dabbing and uses the Yocan Armor’s quartz dual coils or QDC. INCLUDE1 x Yocan Apex Vaporizer1 x Extra Quartz Coil1 x Dab Tool1 x USB Charging Cable1 x User Manual
Marca: Yocan Vaporizer |