Volcano Classic Vaporizer with Solid Valve Set
Classic Vaporizer The beauty of the Volcano Classic with easy valve is its robust, purely electromechanical design, of which have already sold in tens of thousands. Tested and certified product safety and quality tVaporisation temperature can be set tbetween 266° and 446°F (130° and 230°C) tRobust, completely electromechanical design tThree year warranty tTemperature accuracy ± 9°F (5°C)more . . . tTens of thousands sold Both Volcano Vaporizers come with a shapely, brushed metal cone. Care was taken to use flavorless materials that are food safe. Both the high-performance heating cartridge and the strong air pump can withstand the toughest stresses and strains. An independent temperature fuse, air filter and silencer are naturally included in our Volcano Vaporisers, as is a specially designed aluminium heat exchanger, which brings the air both cleanly and reliably to the desired temperature.